Circuit Python library installation

Yozh is intended to be programmed in CircuitPython 7 - an implementation of Python programming language for microcontrollers, created by Adafruit (based on Micropython, another Python implementation). For general background on Circuit Python, please visit What is CircuitPython? page.

You must have already installed CircuitPython on the ItsyBitsy microcontroller serving as the brains of Yozh robot during assembly. If not, please do so now following Adafruit’s instructions (you will need to remove the top plate to access the BOOTSEL button of ItsyBitsy).

Next step is installing some CircuitPython libraries. Download the Adafruit’s library bundle as a zip file from Unzip the archive to your hard drive.

Connect Yozh robot to the computer using a micro USB cable. (It should be plugged into the USB port on the ItsyBitsy RP2040.) It should appear in your file browser as an external drive with the name CIRCUITPY. Open it to view contents. It might contain a folder named lib; if not, create one. Now, install the necessary libraries by copying the following files and folders from Adafruit Circuit Python bundle to lib folder in CIRCUITPY drive:

  • adafruit_bus_device

  • adafruit_register

  • adafruit_display_text

  • adafruit_displayio_ssd1306.mpy

  • simpleio.mpy

  • adafruit_vl53l0x.mpy

Next, you need to install Yozh Circuit Python library. Go to github repository and click on green Code button to download the zip file containing all Yozh designs and software. Extract the zip file to your computer. Find in the extracted archive file python_library/ and copy this file to lib folder. Now, you have all the libraries you need.

Please note that extracted Yozh archive also contains a folder python_library/examples. Move this folder to some convenient location on your computer - you will use it shortly.